Grid. Categorization & pagination enabled


VC Element: “Portfolio Masonry & Grid”

Appearance: Grid

Gap between posts (px): 5

Column minimum width (px): 200

Desired columns number: 2

Thumbnails proportions: 3:2

Projects width: Make projects same width

Show projects descriptions: Under images

Background under projects: Enabled (image without padding)

Content alignment: Center

Image hover background color: Color (from theme options)

Loading effect: None

Show title: Yes; Show excerpts: No; Show project categories: Yes

Show project date: No; Show categories filter: Yes; Show project author: No

Show project comments: No; Show details icon: Yes; Show link icon: Yes

Show zoom icon: Yes

Number of projects to show: 16

Number of projects to display on one page: 4

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Masonry. Text on images


VC Element: “Portfolio Masonry & Grid”

Appearance: Masonry

Gap between posts (px): 2

Column minimum width (px): 200

Desired columns number: 3

Thumbnails proportions: [leave empty]

Projects width: Preserve original proportion

Show projects descriptions: On colored background

Animation: Fade

Image hover background color: Color (from Theme Options)

Content alignment: Center

Loading effect: Move up

Show title: Yes; Show excerpts: No; Show project categories: Yes

Show project date: No; Show project author: No; Show project comments: No

Show details icon: Yes; Show link icon: No; Show zoom icon: Yes

Number of projects to show: 9

Number of projects to display on one page: 9

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Justified grid


VC Element: “Portfolio Justified Grid”

Gap between posts (px): 2

Column minimum width (px): 340

Thumbnails proportions: [leave empty]

Show projects descriptions: On colored background

Loading effect: Reverse direction aware

Image hover background color: Dark

Content alignment: Left & top

Loading effect: Fade in

Hide last row if there’s not enough images to fill it: No; Show title: Yes

Show excerpts: Yes; Show project categories: Yes; Show project date: Yes

Show project author: No; Show project comments: No; Show details icon: Yes

Show link icon: Yes; Show zoom icon: Yes

Number of projects to show: 6

Number of projects to display on one page: -1

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending